At least that is what I do all the time. When I am lost in mine I learn to accept that as ok, trying to get all the censors that tell me that I am not going anywhere, out of my head . I know that eventually it will make a good story. It always does. And if not then, well, then it is not, but at least I was creating, this is what makes me tick. Sometimes it does not tick, then I my censors direct the stage and I feel low and worthless. Luckily it is mostly over very quickly. But when I have it there is no juice, no thrill, no want. I once I saw this quote on one of the horrible social media that I am kind of addicted to, that people who grew up in unstable situations are addicted to instability and need thrills to feel alive. I don’t know if it is true, but I definitely need thrills. I call it my dragon who wants something. I am slowly getting to know this dragon.
In 2012 I was also into making dragonlike beasts but much more formless and less defined, more at a primitive animalistic level. I did not know anything about dream analysis then, but knowing what I know now, I would say that the dragon is climbing up the ladder of my subconscious and slowly reaching consciousness. In dream analysis an animal represents an unconscious drive or instinct that is still at a primitive level and has not yet reached human consciousness. If art can be considered in the same realm as dreams then I see my dragons now as an upgrade of an instinct compared to 2012 and what is also remarkable is that 2012 was also a dragon year. I really never gave it a second thought that this might be related. Hm….who knows…
But all in all, it is actually just a way of expressing this energy that is living inside me, that comes from the same place as anger or fury. It is also the fire of creation, that anger. The other pole is inertia. So when I am lifeless then I am at the other pole of the dragon and I feel the dragon wants to shake this lifeless being off. In 2012 I wrote a few words about this energy
the taming of the shrew
Riding the dragon
the dragon rides with me
who is that dragon, I am that dragon
that dragon is not me
Stop that dragon, stop that dragon..
if it can not be stopped
then tame it
tame that damn shrew.
We cling on to the shrew, she wants to shake us off
Who is we
we is also me, all the we`s is me
I am the shrew I am the tamer I am the we`s clinging on to me…
When I am the we’s clinging on to me it is Charlotte de witte’s song Kali, the Indian goddess of death and recreation, that kicks my ass to not waste my life complaining or feeling sorry for myself.
Here she is: Kali meets venus meets dragon