still life in still life

I am obesessed with the changing colours and shapes of the flowers. This morning I woke up and saw the amaryllis is bleeding. It looks like menstruation. It is a good moment to disclose that this urge to make this series originates in my fascination with menstrual blood. I always enjoyed it because it made me think of my kids and how they smelled like my blood straight after birth. They smelled like caramel, sweet and salty. And this is how I always experienced the smell of menstrual blood. It is very instinctual. Now that I am entering menopauze ( I still think we need a sexier word) I feel I want to honour the blood, the life, the pain and the pleasure of a period that is coming to an end. I am dreading it, but I also know that change is inevitable. This whole series “still life in still life” is a feast for the colour red and the shape of a flower in its container.