In between the hesitant early spring sun and the ruthless late winter blaze, in between construction and destruction, somewhere in between these restless waves, lies my field of action. If there is no flow, don`t move, a wise buddhist would say. But a sceptic westerner as myself would say it is just my lazy but that needs some kicking and that the flow can be sought after, because time is ticking mercilessly forward and moving is what needs to be done...soon. one is wrong if one thinks like that, I guess. But one does not always have the option and since I am running out of teabags to consult, I will have to use my common sense. Because moving is what needs to be done...soon. We have the municipality breathing down our neck to leave the building where we (Noordwal117) have our atelier complex. Never a light and pleasant prospect for a sculptor.Nevertheless, thanks to and because of lack of concrete measures and planning from the municipalities side, we continue our activities the best we can.
This said, I organised a small exhibition around V-day (women and intimacy). Here is a picture of the work I created for this theme. I enjoyed this short but welcome kairos moment.
beyond my daydream 2015 ((80x100x30) unfired clay, oil, acrylic paint
But meanwhile in between and at the same time, an experienced mover as myself is starting to clean, arrange and pack up the studio as from the first signs of uncertainty. Better not to cling onto, better to say goodbye quick and easy, better be prepared, always.....
Cleaning out, making pictures of old work in new context, before I throw away or wrap up in boxes. One snapshot to prove that it once existed.
And last but not least my in between visits to the foundry to assist with the wax models and to follow up the bronze making process. Always good fun with the guys there! Here some pictures of the dusty business of the sand/cement mould making process.